Railways Police Training School Walton

Historical Perspective

  • 1947-1977 as Watch & Ward officials Training Centre.
  • Police officials/officers of GRP were trained in Provincial Police Training School/Colleges.
  • 1977 Watch & Ward and GRP merged in PRP & centre renamed as Railways Police Training School (RPTS) Walton.
  • RPTS covers an area of 10.3 Acres.
  • Situated at western side in the premises of Pakistan Railways Academy Walton.

Training school Walton is operational under the senior police officer as principal of the academy. Quality training is being  imparted to all the trainees so that they may reflect in the field posting and other official duties in efficient manner. Special  professional courses with the assistance of International Criminal Investigative Training assistance Program (ICITAP) are  organized to impart the modern professional knowledge among the staff. The academy has capacity to accommodate more than  300 trainees at a time.

Mission of RPTS

To train the newly recruited and polish the present working staff of railways police.

RPTS Walton in an unprecedented step groomed 98 Constables of FIA